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Pokaż wątki - BadiBadi

Strony: 1
Szukamy nowej osoby do zespołu.

Jesteśmy wyspecjalizowanym studiem postprodukcyjnym z biurem w Warszawie przy Puławskiej 368.
Sprawdź nasze showreel'e na vimeo.

Szczegóły ogłoszenia:
If you have a sense of aesthetics, an eye for detail and want to be a part of a team that creates cool stuff, join our company! We are mainly looking for people with a feel for photorealistic rendering and fx. We’re offering full time job, either remotely or on-site in our Warsaw office, where we have a delicious coffee and a chillout garden. Dogs are very welcome!

Creation and rendering of 3D scenes
Modelling and texturing
Animating (Motion Design)

We expect:
Knowledge of Blender (Cycles + Eevee)
Creativity and artistic sense
Experience followed by a portfolio
Animating skills
Working under tight deadlines

Nice if you know:
Basic knowledge about postproduction workflow
Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, AfterFx)

Aplikuj na jobs@BadiBadi.com

Strony: 1

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Wyświetleń: 1403
Autor: Daniel
w: Testy